What is "rework"?
Sometimes Contract Manufacturers and even the OEM may be faced with the need to recall newly manufactured products from the field or modify them prior to sending them into the field.
This may be due to reasons such as Design and/Manufacturing Flaws, Faulty Parts, or the need for Re-configuration. Often existing newly manufactured products can be more efficiently /cost effectively and quickly modified to suit a new purpose or customer — rather than perform another involved manufacturing run.

Our rework process
We work closely with their Engineers to optimize the rework services and processes so that they are expedient, cost effective and ensure the quality/reliability levels required.
As a result, our customers are confident that their re-worked products will enter or re-enter their market quickly as well as ensure end-user loyalty and satisfaction. Rework projects may range from the simplest recalibrations or localization of consumer electronics for a different market – to the most complex repairs at the circuit board level.